

I recently went on a two-week adventure with two of my closest friends to explore the great Pacific Northwest.  We started our adventures in San Francisco, then travelled by train (Amtrak) to Portland, and proceeded to end in Seattle.  The aim of the trip was to get a grasp of where I felt I could move to and bring my business with, and feel at home.  And just to add to the fun, I decided to do something very new – I shot the whole trip in film with a film camera I had just acquired.  I had bought a few rolls of film before the trip just to play around and figure out how to work film, but it was brand new to me still by the time we started the trip.  I never thought I could fall in love with something so unreliable – but there is a euphoria I get from not knowing how each picture will come out.  You really have to compose each image perfectly and make sure you are on the right settings with film because every picture that doesn’t come out is about a dollar wasted!  But shooting in film definitely surfaced my love for photography, which starts to fade after everything about digital becomes old.  Plus carrying around a film camera just feels refreshing!  This adventure was one I always wanted but never thought I would get to do with my best friends.  But we did – and it was more amazing than I dreamt it could be.  Our San Francisco exploring was definitely the most active.  We were jittery with excitement and couldn’t wait to explore, so thats what we did.  We spent an entire day driving from district to district in San Francisco, learning about each different neighborhood and what they were all about.  We saw some pretty things, saw some crazy things, and had happy hour.  It was a perfectly productive day!  Though we’re pretty sure our car almost got broken into.  Then we spent the entire next day shopping at Trader Joe’s and lounging by my Aunt’s pool, picking nectarines and tomatoes.  We had a short go in California together, but the area is one of the most diverse and available with opportunity in my opinion.  I love it there.

{Bay Area Film Photography ~ Bay Area Portrait Film Photography ~ Meigan Canfield Photography}
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Bay Area Film Photography ~ {Meigan Canfield Photography}

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