A Joyous FoOls Birthday
Thanks to all for my birthday wishes and love. It was a wonderful fools day {in which I am so glad to have been born on}. No, this is not a joke! I am so excited for all of the creativity and photographic adventures in this coming year! Where will I even be?
{Breckenridge Photography ~ Breckenridge Photographer ~ Breckenridge Colorado Photographer}
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April 4th, 2014 at 5:33 pm
Happy UN-Birthday! The real date has come and gone. I’m so happy that you had a super duper day on
the 1st. Your DAD let me know that you spent the day with your friends going places and doing stuff that
made you happy as can be. I think I can find you to chat with pretty soon.
With uncountable (a new word?) helpings of love from you really old GramG.